notifier Documentation

How to setup the plugin

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Step 1 : Include JS Files


Step 2 : Initialize JS

                    		"message":"Enter your notification message here",	//content to be shown in the notification bar
                    		"color1":"white",	//background color of the notification bar	
                    		"color2":"black",	//color of the text	
                    		"closeButton":"text",	//shows a textual close button rather than a cross sign button.	
                    		"delay":3	//when to show the notification from trigger point (in seconds)	


The above example will show the notification 3 seconds after the webpage has loaded. If you want to trigger the notification on button click, then include the initialization code inside the jquery click method.


                    $(document).ready(function() {	
                    			"message":"this is your notification"

If you want to include an image in the notification, then insert the img tag in the message area.


                    	"message":"<img src='images/picture.jpg' />"

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